Sunday 9 March 2014

Matt Cutts Defines What is Paid Link ?

Here the Head of Google’s Webspam team, Matt Cutts, has posted a video online entitled
“What is a "paid link"?. 

The aim of the video is clarify the logic of the Webspam team when it comes to assessing whether a link should be regarded as artificial, or designed to manipulate PageRank, when money has not been exchanged.

In summary, he explains that most of the time it is clear when a link is paid, eg money changes hand. But in the instances where money doesn’t change hands, Google looks at five core criteria as to whether the link should be regarded as a "paid link":

  •     Changes behaviour –  Was something gifted to gain the link which could have altered behaviour. The analogy given that going to conference and receiving a $1 pen wouldn’t change a persons behaviour. But being gifted a $200 voucher may change behavior.
  •     How close to money – If something close to money is gifted; gift card, voucher, free camera etc then this will be viewed as the same as paid. 
  •     A gift or a loan – Something that seems to impact on links found in editorial blog posts. Was the gift permanent or just a loan for a specified period of time.  
  •     Intended audience – Cutts admits it is hard to judge intent but if the intention of reaching out to an audience and acting was to generate a link then it would be paid. If the intention behind the act naturally generated links this would be fine. The example given was giving charities 12 months of free service. If this was to allow them to test your service then it would be fine if links eventuated, but not if a link was expected in return.
  •      Surprise – Would people expect a link or not?

Friday 31 January 2014

Search Engine Optimization Training and Digital Marketing Training

Making you ready for the future is one of the ultimate goals we have and we are totally committed towards it. We run various training programs time to time to train the students for the better future.

The best thing about the training programs is, students are trained by the experienced trainers on some live projects. Those projects are built for our clients and the students get direct exposure of the requirements of the industry. Our main aim at Haklu is to give the education and not to make the profit. That is why the fee structure is so affordable and probably, the best in the market.

Below are the training programs we are currently having at Haklu
  1. Search Engine Optimization Training: Search Engine Optimization is a growing field which promises millions of job opportunities in coming years. If you are one of those enthusiast who want to make career in Search Engine Optimization, then we can help you with the top level training. The students at Haklu, are trained on the live projects to give them better exposure and the thinking on industry level. Our trainers are the professionals in respective fields with great amount of industry experience.

  1. Digital Marketing Training : Same as Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing is also a growing field which promises a bright career to hundreds of thousands of students in coming years. We have some of the great brands from the market as our customers and the students are given live training on how the brands can be promoted in the best way using minimum amount of resources.

Social Media Optimization Services

Social Media has emerged like an addiction for the youth as well as people from other age group. This change in the approach has given a lot of scope to small and large enterprises to dig into the social media users and brand their product.

Till now, Social Media Presence has not been an issue of concern for many enterprises, but this is surely something which can not be neglected. If you want to be popular, you need to be present on major social networks.

We do understand the scenario that always it is not easy to debut in the social networks provided you already have a brand. In those cases, we can help you to manage your online presence and engage your customers.

We do offer Social Media Optimization Services for small and large scale industries. The packages vary according to the type of brand and number of customers and online fans you and your brand have.

Contact us today for a free quotation and we assure you of the best quality work in maintaining your social presence with a boom.

Monday 27 January 2014

Search Engine Optimization for Businesses

Do you own a business? Maybe yes, that’s why you are here. Do you have a website for your business? Well, every business does (If you don’t, we can build one for you at best prices). Your business is online or offline? Well, that does not matter. The only thing according to us is, every business needs customers and most of the businesses struggle to get them.

There are several reasons behind that. The service or product you are providing, is either so new that people do not know about this, or it is so competitive that already many businesses are doing that. Well, in both the cases, if you want people to know about your business, you need to do something which gets your website on the first page of search results (Researches say that 97% people click on a result which is shown on the first page for any particular query). Ranking on the first page of major search engines like Google and Yahoo can be a tough task, provided the competition for almost everything is huge these days.

Well, if you are looking to rank better in SERP (Search Engine Ranking Positions), Haklu is something you can trust. We have been providing Search engine optimization services since a long time now and we can surely help your business to be more visible on search engine rankings. Just ask for a free analysis today.

Call us @ +91 80 4127 3883 | Email :

Digital Marketing for Brands

Every brand, no matter big or small, new or famous, needs a regular exposure in terms of advertising. Almost all the brands, are still using the conventional ways of marketing (Television, Radio, newspapers etc.). Well, the time has changed. We have come a long way across and today, more people are using internet than the number of people watching TV or reading newspaper.

So what if you change the way of advertising from television to computers? From Radio to mobiles? From newspapers to Facebook and twitter? Well, I am sure that it can be a revolution for your brand and your business. The number of sales and customers will boost like anything. I am sure you will not feel bad if your brand gets more popular and you start selling more products. After all, getting popularity and more number of customers is all you need and seeing you and your product on top is what we work for.

No matter what kind of product or service you have. No matter what age group and society you are targeting. You might be targetting teenagers in a specific city of United States or you might be targetting the retired professionals in some gulf country. Digital Marketing can be a one stop solution to everything you need related to the promotion of your new or existing brand. If you are serious about getting more exposure and increasing your sales, then get in touch today for a free quotation.

Call us @ +91 80 4127 3883 | Email :